The Working Document (Instrumentum Laboris) is the key outcome from the long consultative process for the Plenary Council, and will be vital to shaping the agenda for the first meeting of the Council in October 2021. We invite submissions, by way of an article, a short comment, or a response to any posted material, on this document and on any other matter arising out to the Working Document to
The Working Document: An Initial Response
Instrumentum Laboris (Working Document) for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia
by the Sense of the Faithful Editorial Committee
Instrumentum Laboris (Working Document) for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia
Towards the Plenary Council Working Document: Some Reflections
Sense of the Faithful Editorial Committee, September 2020
The Editorial Committee encourage and welcome your comments and debate on this Working Document. Please feel free to contribute to the conversation by emailing us at
Lifting the clouds on the PC
Rowan Ireland, St Francis Xavier’s, SFX Montmorency, June 2020
The Plenary Council: Where to after Coronavirus?
Gerry McKernan and Peter Sheehan, May 2020